ICBC's current list of approved services includes several passive therapies which can be helpful in the acute stages immediately after an injury. Passive therapies include physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic treatment. But often we need help getting back into doing the tasks that we did before the accident. This is where the use of an Occupational Therapist can come in handy. We can help you find ways to carry out the activities you did before. Just ask your physician or any treating professional along with your ICBC adjuster for a referral to an Occupational Therapist. We'd love to help you get back into life.
Wondering why your new sit stand desk isn't relieving your neck and shoulder pain? Or have you started having neck and shoulder pain since getting a sit stand desk? There's a simple reason. A sit stand desk is not designed to provide support for one's arms when standing and using a keyboard. Thus the shoulder and neck musculature must work harder to support the weight and position of your arms. Many workers find that they push their keyboard further back on the desk surface to provide some support for their forearms. But other solutions exist! Providing a pair of clamp on arm rest supports can help. I suggest articulating armrests for ease of arm movements with both keyboard and mouse. However, there are other options depending on how one uses his or her desk. If you would like to know more about how to make your office truly ergonomic, contact DVRS and ask for Sheila.
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